3 Tips To Avoid Getting Sick Near Water Bodies
You may often feel that your eyes are becoming sore after swimming for a long time. You may think that it is because of the chlorine in the water, but that is not true. Experts noted that that occurs because of a reaction between chlorine and the sweat on your body. It results in irritation. It can lead to further irritation in your lungs as well if you accidentally gulp down some water. You may have to face this irritation in pools, but chlorine is protecting you from bacterial growth. It may not be the same case when you are in an unregulated water body, such as a lake.
You can get water-based diseases and illnesses due to the untreated water present there. To avoid infections and other medical conditions, you should follow specific prevention tips so that you can enjoy to the fullest at lakes, water parks, and swimming pools. That said, follow these tips to avoid being sick in such places.
- Avoid swallowing the water
You should follow this tip as much as possible, no matter whichever water body you are in for a swim. While pools and water parks have chlorine in them, lake water is not at all safe to drink. In fact, chlorine water is also not fit to drink as it takes time for chlorine to eliminate the germs. Thus, it is possible that you are swimming in a pool or water park that has polluted water. Therefore, natural or artificial – you should avoid swallowing the water at all types of water bodies to avoid getting sick. You can also check out about the Candlewood Lake Algae.
- Always shower when you are about to go for a swim
You may have heard this rule when you are at a public pool. Rinsing your body in a shower before visiting a pool helps you avoid getting sick from skin infections, etc. Remember that many people are using a public pool at the same time, which may increase the risk of contamination from one body to another. Thus, to avoid that infection, people are advised to take a shower before and after they swim in the pool. That way, they can not only protect their own body but keep others safe from the contamination as well. Also, if you carry kids with you at the pool, then make sure to ask them for restroom breaks every half an hour later to ensure that they do not urinate in the pool water. This rule applies to adults as well.
- Keep track of the weather
If you are planning to go for a swim in a lake, stream, or river, then you should monitor the weather condition before your recreational activity. The chances are that the weather will affect the growth of bacteria in these water bodies. Remember to avoid days that are hot or are having a rainfall, as it causes the bacteria to populate even more.
Do note that if you are knowledgeable about such activities in advance, then you can protect yourself and your loved ones from avoiding illnesses in the water.