3 Most Common Cyber Threats Businesses Need to Protect Themselves From

Although technology has brought all sorts of advantages to our lives, particularly within the realm of business, technology can also expose you to cyber threats. With so much sensitive information stored on your computer, hackers can make their way in and potentially disrupt operations and even damage your reputation.

The more prepared you can be, the better. Here are some of the most common cyber threats in the business place, and how to take proactive measures to protect yourself.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are one of the most common cyber threats that businesses face. They involve cyber criminals impersonating a legitimate person or business in an effort to deceive the receiver into revealing sensitive information. In some cases it’s login information, while in others it’s financial details.

Usually these attacks come in the form of emails or texts and seem completely genuine. In most cases, victims are lured into following a link or downloading something with malware.

Unfortunately, phishing scams can happen to even the best of us, if we aren’t properly educated on recognizing phishing attempts. Make sure that your employees know what to look out for, and put special e-mail filtering systems in place that detect and block any suspicious content before your staff even has the chance to open it.

Holding Your Data Hostage

A data hostage attack can potentially paralyze your business. These types of attacks involve a hacker encrypting your data with ransomeware and demanding ransom payment to release it back to you.

Unfortunately, businesses find themselves at a halt, without their data and, in turn, experience financial loss. One of the most practical ways to protect yourself against hostage attacks is by keeping your software regularly updated as well as your security systems. That way, your computer should be able to detect ransomware before it makes its way in.

Inside Jobs

While businesses often know about the dangers of external cyber threats, far too often they don’t realize the risk of an enemy within. Unfortunately, inside jobs can and do happen as a result of current or former employees. This is why it’s important that you have strict access controls in place, and change your passwords anytime an employee is no longer employed by you.

As much as you might like to believe that everyone in your business is worthy of trust, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Be careful about what kind of permissions you give your employees, and you’ll significantly reduce your risk of inside jobs

Unfortunately, as technology advances, so do many of its threats. However, by taking the right precautions, and staying aware of the latest threats, you should be able to protect yourself and your business’s sensitive information from being compromised.



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