3 Tips For Displaying Photos In A Small Space

If you live in a small space but have a lot of photos and memories that you want to display, you might be struggling to figure out how to make this work in the areas you have available to you. But luckily, there are a lot of ways that you can display the pictures you love and cherish without taking up a lot of space or making your room feel too cluttered.To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for displaying photos in a small space.

Make Grid Lines

If your preferred way of displaying your photos is on your wall, putting together a collage wall might be the best way for you to get the maximum amount of photos on a smaller wall.

When putting together the collage wall, you’ll want to be careful about how you choose to use your frames and what photos you include. If you’re wanting to use all the same size of frames for your wall, you can leave just a small space between each frame to make your collage wall look great. But if you’re using different sizes of frames and photos, you should focus on keeping to certain grid lines so that your collage wall doesn’t look too chaotic. By staying within certain boundaries and leaving a few lines running through the frames, you can make any collage wall look very well designed.

Try Layering

In some instances, you might have shelves to display your photos and other momentos as opposed to using frames that you place directly on your walls. In this case, you can get away with layering some of your photos rather than displaying them all in a straight line.

If you are able to layer some of your photos, meaning that they overlap a bit with their frames or the edges of the photos, you can place more photos on your shelves. Using photos mats will also help to make layering your photos work better so you can still see basically all of the picture.

Print Photos On Magnets

For some people, your walls might already be used for other things so that you can’t really put any of your photos on them. Additionally, you might be staying in a place where you can’t put holes in the walls, like at an assisted living facility. In circumstances like this, you might want to print your photos on something other than paper.

By printing your photos on magnets rather than on paper or canvas, you can use your fridge or other appliances to display your photos. This can be a great way to make the most of your available space to still see the pictures you love.

If you have a small space but a lot of photos that you want to display in this area, consider using the tips mentioned to help you plan this out.



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